In addition to our curriculum, we also believe that it is important to offer a range of enrichment opportunities to help bring learning to life for our children. From trips to museums and galleries, to assemblies and visits from external organisations, we try and provide exciting opportunities to spark their imaginations.
These could include a:
- Trip to Rockingham Castle
- Trip to Tropical Bird Land
- Trip to National Space Centre
- Trip to New Walk Museum
- Trip to the Old Grammar School
- Series of workshop and an assembly from The Dogs Trust
- Visit from 'actors' for a day of Viking Learning
- Carol Concert at the Congregational Church
- Visit from Leicestershire Fire Service for Year 1 & 5 children
- Residential Trips to Beaumanor Hall (Year 4 children) and PGL (Year 6 children)
Alongside these opportunities we also offer in-school and after-school clubs.
Gardening Club - for children in Years 3-6, running from Sept - Nov and Feb - July
- Sports Clubs with our Sport Coach - these run in school time and after school - please check with the Office or on Arbor for the latest timetable.
Parents are notified of the Club via email and invited to register their child via Arbor.